Create a Vision for your Cow Herd
Raise Quality Cattle – You can count on Vision Angus to be your seedstock supplier of choice with a ‘Quality’ cow herd based on balanced-trait selection.
Growthy, thick ended, fancy calves still command top dollar at the sale barn and on video. Your reputation is as important as how the calves look. Capture the premium available from having the right reputation, quality and information. Don’t just have “Commodity Cattle”. At Vision Angus, we know those calves need to have that eye appeal, growth and thickness. We offer bulls that will provide these phenotypic traits and help you “get noticed”. We also know that maternal traits and cow longevity have the largest impact on your profitability. EPD’s cannot measure every trait.
Develop A Herd Health Plan – You can count on Vision Angus to help you develop a plan with our access to experts and knowledge of the products.

Use your veterinarian but just don’t go to the clinic the day before you work calves and get the vaccine they tell you to get. There are new vaccines available and there are systems to create immunization compliments. Review the vaccine protocols of the video and sale barn programs available to you as sellers. The most important thing is to develop a plan and take advantage of the value in your feeder calves by having them properly vaccinated. The data derived from over 25 million head of cattle sold on Superior Livestock is astounding. Calves weaned and on a vaccination program are commanding higher prices
Provide The Right Nutrition – You can count on Vision Angus to check and balance your rations with over 30 years of ruminant nutrition training and experience.
Our son Austin is now with Suther Feeds. Even if you don't feed Suther products, count on our team to help you with your nutrition questions. Take advantage of University information on nutrition and management. Subscribe to Nebraska beef producers have an amazing and talented extension and research system at University of Nebraska. The science of proper nutrition can help you take advantage of the ‘Quality’ genetics you have selected for your herd.
Take Advantage Of Technology – You can count on Vision Angus to provide the guidance and tools to help you utilize these genomic programs.
Most of us are also farmers. We use technology in agronomy extensively – seed traits, chemistries and biologicals to name a few. We have to count on the science and the data to tell us that the technology will benefit us. We need to start utilizing the genomic science available to us in beef cattle. Quantify your herd genetically with respect to maternal, growth and carcass traits. Take advantage of the programs available through American Angus Association to make decisions when selecting replacement heifers and marketing feeder cattle. We have been genomic testing our herd since 2013 (eleven years) to help us make decisions and help you select the right seedstock.
Market Your Calves With Information – You can count on Vision Angus to help you capitalize on every opportunity to market your cattle with more information with our many industry contacts.
Take advantage of the programs available such as Angus Link, Top Dollar Angus, NHTC, vaccine programs and genomic testing to name a few. There are a wide variety of programs and opportunities. Many of these will help you acquire data and information on your feeders to help you improve your genetics, management and marketing.
Take Advantage Of Our Educational Opportunities - You can count on Vision Angus to bring you more information that you can use to improve the profitability of your cow herd.
Receive updates, information, and links via text from Vision Angus and join our Zoom meetings to learn about programs as well as production, management and marketing strategies that you can use to improve the profitability of your cow herd.
Experience the Value.
Personal Commitment
OUR PERSONAL COMMITMENT is to deliver quality genetics at the best value to our primary customers – the commercial cattlemen.
Our Genetics
VISION ANGUS GENETICS ARE DESIGNED to add more pounds, maternal strength, carcass quality and efficiency to our customers’ cattle. To ensure that they do so, our genetics are the result of matings that are planned, predictable, functional and reliable! At Vision Angus we develop genetic packages with a purpose in mind.
• Our calving-ease bulls are the result of mating proven low birth sires to cows that have shorter gestation intervals in order to increase the predictability and reliability of lighter birth weights.
• Our growth and performance bulls are bred for power to deliver more pounds – but also to keep carcass traits, mature cow size, milk and fertility in balance.
• Our moderate-framed, maternally oriented bulls are designed to be just what they are.
Our Cattle
OUR CATTLE ARE NUTRITIONALLY DEVELOPED TO BENEFIT OUR CUSTOMERS! At Vision Angus, our bulls and heifers are developed to fulfill their genetic potential, but more importantly their nutritional development is designed to ensure their longevity! Minerals and vitamins are fed at levels to ensure soundness, fertility, proper growth and development. Before and after our Annual Bull Sale, we begin conditioning the bulls to ensure that they are fit for pasture service. In the fall after their first breeding season, we are ready to assist you with nutrition and management of your yearling bulls!
Guarantees and Services
• All Lots I50K Tested Providing You With Genomically Enhanced EPDs
• Negative BVD tested
• Performance tested
• Ultrasound tested for carcass merit
• Sight unseen purchase guarantee
• First breeding season guarantee
• Volume discounts
• Repeat buyer discounts
• Bulls wintered free until April 1st
Customer Satisfaction
YOUR CONTINUED SATISFACTION AFTER THE SALE IS OUR PRIORITY! We want to ensure above all else that you are satisfied with your purchase of Vision Angus genetics and that it proves to be a positive and profitable investment.